Here are some great ways to increase your chances at winning at the slot machines in a casino, or just about anywhere that you encounter a slot machine! Luck plays a huge role in successfully winning at slot machines, but there are some slot machine strategies that can maximize your chances to win. The probability of winning a significant amount of money on slot machines is slim to none. Casinos do not ordinarily disclose the odds of winning at their slot machines, so the slot players cannot be informed of their chances of winning. Believe me… the chances of winning big money on the slots are very low. However, most people do love to play the slots, and you can still increase your chances of winning some money with a few tips as follows.
Research has found a correlation between good luck and the right attitudes and choices in life. 20 Ways to Attract Good Luck. Startup Life. 20 Ways to Attract Good Luck.
Some video slot machines have a fixed maximum payout while other machines have progressive jackpots, which means they have a meter which increases the jackpot with every play where there is no return. The more people play these slot machines… the higher the jackpot becomes.
Progressive slots might seem to be the most attractive, due to the supposed high return, however the huge disadvantage of the progressive slots is that in most online casinos they are all linked together. Because of the number of people all playing for that huge jackpot amount, your odds of winning on a progressive slot machine are much lower. That lower probability of winning not only applies to the jackpot amounts, but also for the overall odds of winning smaller amounts. So it is more profitable to stick to the machines with a fixed maximum payout and limit your play on the progressive ones with the huge jackpots.

To have the very best chances of winning, at least in the short term, you should choose the slots that offer the smallest jackpots. These smaller jackpots are easier to win, which will increase your chances of walking away a winner. The bigger the jackpot, the harder it is to actually hit, and it is more likely that you might lose. It takes a lot of playing hours to create the huge jackpots which is why your chances of winning them are much lower. Games that are novelty themed with enormous jackpots have the worst odds of all, so you really should stick to the machines with the smaller prizes.
This is an amazing book, which everyone should have, if they play slot machines regularly!
You won’t find it in a library or bookstore, but you can click on the photo and find a site where they sell it at a bargain price! Some online retailers charged $29.95 or $19.95 for the very same booklet!
If your favorite casino offers some sort of slots-specific promotions, or even a Player’s Club, where you get an ID Card and can insert it into a machine before beginning to play, it is definitely worth your time to take full advantage of these promotions. You might earn some points which can get you free food or merchandise, there might also be daily or nightly drawings where you can win prizes. Even a few free spins on a slot machine can possibly have the potential to earn you some massive prizes, and there’s really no cost to you to take advantage of these free offers from the casino.
The life-changing way to become
lucky at everything!
Now you can develop a winning mindset and live
the Lucky Lifestyle that you’ve always wanted
Don’t you wish you had a crystal ball to tell you how things are going to turn out? None of us have one so we’re often left to guess. Sometimes things go our way and sometimes they don’t. Yet some people are just plain luckier than others. If you’ve had a few bad experiences in life – gambling losses, been cheated, let down, injured, and so on – it makes sense that part of you may believe that things might turn out badly. That negativity occurs with all life experiences – including casino gambling. It’s been proven that lucky people are lucky because they believe they are winners. That winning belief becomes reality in every part of their lives, including in the casino. Read on to discover how you too can become lucky at everything that you do.
Why pessimism works against you in the casino and in your life
Richard J. Wiseman, PhD – University of Hertfordshire
If you think that things are likely to turn out badly, it’s been proven that the number of bad outcomes that you’ll experience will measurably increase. Maybe you’ve known somebody that’s just ‘unlucky’. What you’re really saying is that the events in their life are simply out of their control. It’s true that sometimes luck may be out of your control, but scientific research now tells us that luck is largely determined by your attitude. In your daily life or in the casino, your thoughts about what you’re doing have a profound effect on the outcome.
Science shows that ‘lucky’ people generate their own good fortune
Scientific research carried out by Professor Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire, has uncovered the real explanation of why ‘lucky’ people (who naturally expect the best), are more likely to be winners, and ‘unlucky’ people (who naturally expect the worst) lose more often and generally have a harder time in life.
“Wiseman’s research has revealed that the principles of good and bad luck are the direct result from measurable habits. He published the results of his research in the best selling book, The Luck Factor.” / Source: Wikipedia
Wiseman discovered that ‘lucky’ people generate their own
good fortune via four basic principles:
• Lucky people are skilled at creating and noticing opportunities of chance
• They make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition
• They create self-fulfilling prophesies viapositive expectations
• Their resilient attitude in life transforms bad luck into good luck
Wiseman’s fascinating research proved that pessimistic people, who expected things to go badly, consistently missed opportunities of chance, even when they were put right in front of them. It’s as if they are ‘blind’ when opportunities are presented to them. A good example of that are people who refuse to believe that Blackjack and Video Poker are better played by learning a proper strategy.
Do you sometimes have the unlucky thoughts of doubt?
You experience about 70,000 thoughts in a single day. They happen so quickly – you’re not aware of most of them. Some good – some bad. Some positive and some negative. But what if you could become more aware of your own thoughts? And what if you could change your thoughts into the right ones – like good luck and prosperity?
All you have to do is purposefully listen to what your mind is ‘saying’. Slow down and be aware of what you’re thinking. How many of your thoughts expect good outcomes? And how many are pessimistic, expecting bad things? Listen carefully because your pessimistic thoughts, the unlucky ones, are often brief but they undermine your lucky thoughts of good fortune.
Identifying any pessimism that you might have, no matter how deeply hidden, is the first step to erasing and replacing pessimism with optimism. And when you do that you’ll be living a happier, more fulfilling and a luckier life.
Start now to cultivate a new attitude of optimism and good luck. Begin to change your attitude today. Learn to expect the best in all that you do. Once you start expecting the best – you will attract it to yourself. It’s a scientifically proven fact.
The Fastest Way to a “Lucky Lifestyle” is to use
The Power of Self-Hypnosis
The easiest way to overcome any ingrained thoughts and behavior patterns is to use the power of assisted self-hypnosis. Instant MP3 downloads that you can listen to on your computer or any audio player. When you listen to a specially recorded hypnosis audio session, you’ll become super relaxed. All the tension in your muscles and your mind will become at ease. It’s almost like sleep – but more like daydreaming.
Your mind will slow down in one sense, but in another way you’ll be highly attentive – and receptive to suggestion. During that state of deep relaxation is when you can ‘reprogram’ your mind to turn any unlucky thinking into new expressions of positive expectations. You’ll start to dream again and imagine possibilities that you may have given up on years ago. Your life and your luck will start to improve almost immediately. That’s the power of this self hypnosis audio session.
Good Luck For Gambling
Start ‘Thinking Lucky’ Today –
Discover “Expect The Best”, the audio hypnosis session that can change your life
Expect The Best is an audio hypnosis session which will enable you to discover how to really open your eyes to the opportunities around you. And how to automatically expect the best outcomes in all that you do. You’ll notice improvements in every part of your life – including that ‘lucky feeling’ when you walk into the casino.
Through deep relaxation, Expect The Best will first allow you to establish an optimum learning state of mind. Then you’ll discover how to flip your ideas of skepticism into new ideas filled with optimism. Your skeptical thoughts have served to protect you but they have also hindered you from believing your early expectations of your life. Expect The Bestwill be transform your pessimism into a positive energy that will fill your spirit with optimism. Each time you listen, you’ll become more relaxed and the suggestions become more ingrained into your subconscious. You’ll be completely aware of the process and actually look forward to the special time that you set aside to listen to your session.
When you listen to Expect The Best, you’ll find yourself naturally developing your own creative and intuitive skills in ways that will amaze you and transform your life. The smile on your face will be real – not put on. A new bounce in your step will broadcast your new optimism. Your friends and family will notice how upbeat and positive you are. And when you walk into the casino you will almost hear them say, “Here comes Mr. (or Mrs) Lucky.” You will exude positive expectations.
Meet your hypnotherapist, Roger Elliott:
Roger Elliott DHypPsych(UK), BEng(Hons) has been working as a hypnotherapist and trainer since 1998. In this time he has developed many ground-breaking methods of educating people about their own psychology, including the Uncommon Knowledge Diploma Course, the Depression Learning Path, the 6-Part Self Confidence Course, the Panic Attacks Course, plus a range of DVDs and CDs. Simplifying psychology is his great passion and he has gained a reputation as a creator of innovative and highly effective training materials.
Listen to Roger and an actual sample from Expect The Best :
Are you ready for the next level of expectation? Are you ready to control the pessimism that prevents you from fully experiencing ‘the lucky life’? Download Expect The Best – and prepare for lift off!
Order your download with complete confidence. Please put your mind at rest – this and every hypnosis download offered by The Mystical Gambler is crafted by the Uncommon Knowledge team of 4 experienced hypnotherapists, so you are getting the very best self hypnosis available. With over 24,000 people trained and more than 600,000 Mp3 audios purchased, they are the world’s largest hypnosis provider. However, we realize that not all downloads work equally well for everybody, so if you find this doesn’t do what you wanted, simply let the Uncommon Knowledge team know within 90 days and your money will be refunded in full, no questions asked (One order per customer).
If You Gamble, Here’s Why You Need To Order Expect The Best
If you gamble, you know how important it is to take advantage of any edge that you can discover. In any game there are better and worse ways to play. Blackjack and video poker players practice their strategies. Keno players reduce numbers and play multiple cards. Slot players put in max coins. None of these things change the odds but they allow gamblers to win more, play longer and have a better overall chance of winning. Savvy gamblers take advantage of any edge that they can get. Expect The Best gives you the edge of attitude. That’s a proven advantage when it comes to attracting luck. This is not psychobabble or pie in the sky – it’s a scientific fact. So this is not the time to be skeptical or pessimistic.
Good Luck Gambling Prayer
The smartest gamblers understand the importance of playing when they’re at their best. We strive to make correct decisions and control our emotions. The long hours that we put in require us to sleep well and remember to exercise so that we’re at our best when we play. It’s all part of the game. It’s about doing everything that we can to win at the games that we play. And at this moment you have an opportunity to do something that can only help you do that. Download Expect The Best today and start making your own “Lucky Life”.