Altamira Casino Tales Of Symphonia

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  5. Altamira Tales Of Symphonia
  6. Tales Of Symphonia Anime

For Tales of Symphonia Chronicles on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Altamira Devil Arms'. Dec 11, 2019  The casino has some really expensive prizes, but the most important one is Genis's Devil Arm. If you have Puninja's book, you can go to the theatre area for an additional scene where Zelos. R/tales: A subreddit for fans of the 'Tales of' series published by Namco Bandai! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Log in sign up. User account menu. Tales of Symphonia Casino. Posted by u/deleted 3 years ago. Tales of Symphonia Casino. Okay, this casino is bs.

(A/N: As with MicaiahXSothe for Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, I also noticed that there are no EmilXMarta lemons, so as a dedicated fan I figured it would be up to me to write one. I'll say it again. THIS IS A LEMON do not read if you're underage. The scene starts during the time when Marta and Emil meet on the bridge in Altimira at night. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you probably haven't made it to that part of the game in which case you also shouldn't read this one-shot because it will contain spoilers. However, if you have beaten the game and are old enough to handle Lemons feel free to read on ahead).

Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of Symphonia the sequel or its characters. I am just a fan and purchaser of the game. Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World copyright Namco.

Emil's pov
I walked down the street of Altimira onto the bridge across from the casino. Marta was there staring across the ocean.

'Sorry to keep you waiting.' I apologized.

'Don't worry about, thanks for coming.' she smiled.

'How's your father doing?' I asked.

'Much better thank you. He's stable now, they're going to transfer him to Meltokio's prison soon.' she said.

'Oh I see,' I said.

'When this battle is all over I'll need to head on over there as well as a member of the vanguard and receive my punishment.' she said.

'You too?' I gasped.

'Of course, first I think I'll need to disband the vanguard in daddy's place and then I'll serve my sentence. And after that...' she began to trail off.

'After that?' I inquired further.

'After that, I'll find a different way from the vanguard to bring peace to Sylvarant and Tethe'alla. Colette and the others will help out to.'

'That's great Marta I'm sure you can do it Marta' I encouraged her. 'I just wished there was some way for me to help out too.'

'So I guess since you're the guardian of the ginnungigap, you would have to stay there and protect the door.' she said.

'Yeah,' I agreed.

'So I guess we'll never see each other again after this is over,' she said.

'Yeah,' I agreed.

Marta started to get flustered, 'Tell me something, how can you just stand there and act so calm?' My eyes widened, her voice saddened, 'I guess I really don't mean anything to you, even after all the time we spent together.'

'No Marta I didn't mean it like--' I tried to explain myself to her, but she had already thrust herself against me.

'Emil,' she sobbed, 'I-I want to stay with you.'

'Marta,' I said returning her embrace, trying to comfort her.

'I don't care if you're a summon spirit. I know who really are, you've always tried your best and that's the Emil that I love.'

'Oh Marta, I-I don't know what to say,' I blushed, 'Marta, you've always been there for me, and I...Marta I lo...' I tried to tell Marta I loved her, but she had already pressed her lips against mine making it impossible for me to speak. Her lips were suckling on mine. I opened my lips to taste them. Marta's mouth tasted so sweet, her tongue invaded my own mouth. It was a simple kiss, but it lasted a long time.

After we broke away we talked for a bit longer and then we returned to the inn. Marta and I had taken rooms adjacent to each other so she was following behind me. As I opened the door to my room she zoomed in front of me and lay down on my bed. 'Marta what are doing?' I flushed.

'I wanted to spend a little more time with you.' she told me.

'What?' I said embarassed, not knowing what she meant by that. Cautiously I walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Marta sat up.

'Emil don't you know what two people who are in love do to each other at night?' she asked.

'N-not r-really,' I stuttered.

'Then let me show you,' she said. She started unbuttoning my collar.

'Marta!' I said a little shocked at her sudden action trying to recover myself.

'You're embarrassed aren't you!' she giggled.

'O-of course I am, how can you be so confident in all this?' I flushed.

'Because I've always loved you,' Marta leaned in closer and kissed me again. I relaxed a bit and let Marta resume what she had started. I felt a nice cool breeze blow across my back from the wind. To be honest I felt a little less wound up this way. 'There doesn't that feel better,' Marta leaned herself against my arm stroking her gloved hand up and down it.

'It actually does,' I confessed.

'See nothing to worry about,' she smiled. I guess it's alright, after all I can trust the girl I love, I thought to myself. The next thing Marta and I did was disarm ourselves, followed by removing our foot wear. I was actually feeling quite comfortable to be honest. Marta removed her gloves and then removed her outer layer of clothing and let her skirt fall like a dress, covering her legs. If this was what the feeling of arousal was then I was feeling it. Marta snuggled her way back into my embrace. She ran a finger up and down and across my chest.

'I had no idea you were in such good shape,' she said happily, 'You must get that from Ratatosk.' I placed my hand on Marta's she had such soft skin. I stroked my hand down her arm, and a pink color could be seen in Marta's face.

'You're so gentle,' she moaned softly. Using her hand that wasn't on my chest she grabbed my hand that wasn't on her arm and moved it east across her body to her...chest? Oh god. Marta removed her hand and my hand was on her, gulp, breast. Marta looked at me with those innocent eyes of hers. Slowly, not knowing how she'd react, I caressed her breast. Marta let out a few pleasurable gasps. 'Emil that feels really good,' she squeaked.

'Really?' I asked. She nodded so I continued. Eventually she stood up, I hoped that meant me were done, but then Marta reached behind her neck and I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled downward. In the next instant her dress was around her ankles. Her bra and her panties were all she had on. I was redder than I had ever been. Marta returned to my embrace. I was beyond a loss for words long ago and had now pretty much lost the will to move. Marta was smiling ever so sweetly, a soft blush across her cheeks, but my face was completely red. My hands, almost instinctively wrapped themselves around Marta.

'Emil, aren't you gonna you know?' Marta asked. I didn't know, I was completely lost. I'd just as soon end this as quickly as I could. I was frightened as to what she'd do next. Marta laughed seductively and placed my hand on the hook to her bra. What, no...she wasn't suggesting that we...WHAT? 'Emil I want to offer everything I have to you.' She whispered. She looked up at my face and took off her bra. Tenebrae was wrong she wasn't an ironing board.

'M-marta is this your first time?'

'Yes it is,' she said as she undid my scarf and proceeded to remove my pants.

'But then why are you so confident?'

'Because, I know this right, I've always loved you Emil and I always wanted to reach this moment with you.' Wha? Marta stood up and then removed the last of her clothing, her panties. She was completely exposed to me. My hormones started to react, I hoped she didn't notice, but she did. She removed my boxers and let my erection come into full view. 'You're so big,' she said stroking it.

'Marta waiiiaaaaah!' she took me into her mouth making small noises as she moved her head back and forth across me.

'You taste good,' she said with a playful smile and resumed her sucking.

'Ah...Marta...ku...' her sucking got faster, I gasped from the pleasure. I almost started to think I might be dreaming, Marta would never do this to me in reality. Would she? The pressure started to build.

'Marta,' I whined quickly

'Do it, I want to taste what you've got in you,' she continued to suck and I erupted into her mouth and she swallowed all of it and licked her lips. I just stood there panting in a panic. Marta shoved me down onto the bed.

'Marta what are you...aaah!' I looked to see that Marta was sliding her entrance over my erection. My face could not be burning any hotter. 'Marta, wait what about...'

'I told you already, I've always loved you, I've wanted to reach this moment with you for a long time.' She stroked herself up my organ. It sent shivers down my spine. 'I'm going to put you inside me, okay Emil?' I nodded, it was the only thing I could do. I watched as Marta slowly put my member inside her until I was all the way in her. She was bleeding a little, but that was just because she had just lost her virginity. Then pushed her hands onto my chest and began riding me all the while making erotic noises. It felt really good.

'Oh god Emil you feel so good inside me,' Marta moaned. She leaned forward and connected our lips still moving up and down me. 'Am I not pleasing you enough Emil, I can go a little faster if you want,' she breathed into my ear. She giggled, 'You just got harder, am I turning you on, hmmm...' That wasn't even a question. Marta leaned back again and began to quicken her actions. I could feel the pressure building again

'M-marta...I-I'm going to...'

'S-so a-am I...'

'S-shouldn't I...'

'No please give me everything I want to feel all you have to offer inside me...'

'But you might...'

'I don't care...'


'EMIL!' I released my load into Marta's cavern, there was so much, her cum mingled with mine as we both began to pant heavily. Marta lay down on top of me. 'Didn't that feel good?' she asked me.

'Yeah, but are you sure about...' Marta gave me a quick kiss.

'I'm positive,' If you say so.

(A/N: Something tells me Marta was not on the pill nor is she taking a morning after pill either. I guess it doesn't matter either way since this is a one-shot unless you people want me to continue. Anyway I hoped you liked this because this was for all of you fans out there that adore this pairing, like me).

Sep 19, 2018

So, I just wanted to make a quick guide to Colettes 'Dog lover' title, especially since some of the dogs are missable so if you get to a certain point in the game some dogs will no longer be namable and you will miss the title.
  • I didn't take the screenshots in order, as there are points where you don't have Colette in the party, and other times where I went on a different (hard) route rather than the generic route one usually goes
  • You have to have Colette as your on screen character when speaking to the dog to name it. Just go to the menu, move down until you have the cursor on Colette, and press 'A' so the little red flag in on the top corner, that indicates she's the on screen character.
  • It is much easier to go dog hunting the frist time you go to an area, so if you go into a town, look for the dog(s) before moving the story along (in case you're nearing a 'point of no return').


This dog is where Raine and Genis' house is. I don't know off hand if you can get it in the beginning, but I got it late in the game after you return.



Cammy is sitting next to a lady just before heading to the fortune tellers hut. You really have to pass right by her.



Pookie isn't hard to miss, he's right as you enter the village.



Boo is right outside the Inn, probably hoping to get a room as well.

AnimeSo poor Rockie is sitting by the cliff on the way up to the dragon rides... I wonder why..



Hal is in the middle of the first part of town, next to the item stand.

Murry us in the second half of the town, not hard to miss.. if you've gone up the stairs, you've gone too far.

House of Salvation

There are a number of Houses of Salvation in Sylvarant. Some of these have dogs...

Caramel is in the House of Salvation between Hakonesia Peak and palmacosta.

Kitty is in the area of the House of Salvation between Iselia and Triet.

Monmon is in the area of the House of Salvation just outside of Asgard.

Palmacosta (Missable)

Yet another missable area, I'd say this is a little more lenient, but you may still not want to push your luck and get them asap.Anime

In the area with the government building, school and church.

Enjoying the sea breeze, Teddy is located in the market area you'll pass through on your first time in Palmacosta.

The Thoda Area (Missable)

I'm smushing Thoda dock and geyser together. Each area has 1 dog.

Thoda Dock While Binky isn't missable, after you do your business at the geyser you might well forget about this area.

Geyser So, as far as I know, Bob is Missable after events late game, so get him while you're there on other tasks!



So! Here's a late game pup! While not necessarily missable, he won't show up the first time you visit. Instead, he appears after the first few donations! (not saying anything else as there's a reason for it).



Chibi is in the slums of Meltokio (ground level, far right past the institute). When you get there he's in the middle level.

Pudding must be a pampered pup! Because he is located in the aristocratic section to the east of the castle where Zelos' manor is.



This happy pup is in the main area where the library and the inn are.

Seeing as this is a university city, I bet he's here to learn a thing or two along with his friend there. He's just in front of the academy entrance.

Ozette (Missable)

Here's one of the two missable areas to get dogs in, of which there are 2. Be sure to get them on your first visit to Ozette, just in case.

Tales Of Symphonia Gamecube

Kalcy is located in the main area that you'll arrive in.

Sammy is on the upper level of the city, just go up the vine roads until you see him and the item shop.



I wonder if Tiggy was named after Tiga~ he helps the item vendor out, and is hard to miss.



On the screen that houses the doctors office, there's a kid selling food, Penny is mooching off that food.

There to greet you, Poochi is right near the Inn as soon as you enter the town.



Lulu is found just after the hotel, at the base of the path to the grave.

Tales Of Symphonia Wiki

Kenny can only be found outside the casino, so sleep at the hotel, choose to go out at night, and take the tram to the casino.


Along with Exire, Heimdall would likely be one of the last places you'll visit, and so if you've been naming dogs on your journey these should be among the last.

So for Coco, you have to take a little path underneath the Inn to get past the fence.

Okay, so Cookie is a little hidden. You have to go under the elders house, and across the plank of wood to get behind the regular house where there is both a dog and a woman.


So, Exire can only be accessed later in the game, and will likely be one of the last places you'll go. You can only get there via the rheards.

Tales Of Symphonia Altamira Casino


Tales Of Symphonia Walkthrough

So, Chuchu is kind of out of the way but not hard to miss. Just cover all ways and you should run into him.

Simon is plain as day, located near one of the landing pads.


Altamira Tales Of Symphonia

That's it! Colette should talk to herself about getting dogs after the journey, and get the title.
Now, this is a guide about dogs.. so here's a screenshot of cats!!

Tales Of Symphonia Anime

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